Explore Missing Middle Housing

Video Resources

Missing Middle Housing for a Better Arlington

Learn about the housing supply challenges facing our community, types of Missing Middle Housing, and how Missing Middle Housing could benefit Arlington.

Let’s talk about how Missing Middle Housing can make Arlington a better place.


Missing Middle Housing and the Environment Learn how Arlington can take the lead on sustainability in the region by creating more transit-friendly communities.

Missing Middle Housing and Community Diversity Discover how greater housing diversity can help create more equitable communities in Arlington.

Missing Middle Housing and Livability Find out how Arlington can achieve mindful growth by building housing in a more sustainable way.

Missing Middle Housing and Seniors Learn how Arlington can help its growing population of seniors age in place in the community they know and love.


2021 Leckey Forum

AHS held an in-depth discussion with expert architect Daniel Parolek in June 2021. See the full recording and read more about what we discussed.

Local Resources

Arlington County Research: In the summer of 2020, Arlington County released a series of five research bulletins offering a comprehensive survey of the state of housing in Arlington.

Arlington’s Racial Equity Framework: Arlington county’s housing policy has a history of racial discrimination. To this day, there is a strong relationship between exclusionary zoning and a lack of housing opportunities for communities of color in Arlington.


Thought Leadership

Opticos Design: This site offers a comprehensive overview of missing middle housing and deep dives on missing middle housing types.

Arlington Committee of 100: Affordable Housing - AHS Executive Director Michelle Winters spoke to Arlington’s Committee of 100 about Missing Middle housing on November 13, 2019. (Begin at 7:50)

Zoning Matters: How Land-Use Policies Shape Our Lives - Zoning is a way for communities to separate land by use or form. But from the start, zoning has separated more than just land uses. It has also separated people.

Missing Middle Housing: Meeting the Growing Demand for Walkable Urbanism - Learn about Missing Middle Housing and how to integrate these types into existing neighborhoods.

Missing Middle Housing Types - "Missing Middle" housing types fall between single-family homes and higher-density apartments. Watch this video to learn more!

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